I'm having a problem with subscribing to MQTT broker (using test.mosquitto.org with port 1883) with paho mqtt library. When I use mosquitto_sub client, I'm getting messages normally, but when I subscribe to the same topic in my Python script, callback never gets executed.
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
client_get = mqtt.Client(client_id='my_client', protocol=mqtt.MQTTv31)
client_get.connect('test.mosquitto.org', 1883)
def callback(client, userdata, message):
client_get.on_message = callback
client_get.subscribe(topic, qos=1)
with a string that represents a real topic) this will exit immediately sinceloop_start()
doesn't start a daemon thread so it won't keep the script live if there is nothing else. – hardillb