
I mainly use Jupyter Notebooks/Lab through Anaconda and typically install needed packages using pip. However, I've recently started using PyCharm and have been unable to access these packages despite using a Conda environment as my project interpreter and instead have to individually reinstall each of the packages through PyCharm.

These are my settings when creating a new project in PyCharm:

New environment using Conda

Location: C:\Users\Name\anaconda3\envs\untitled

Python Version: 3.8

Conda executable: C:\Users\Name\anaconda3\Scripts\conda.exe

I've also added the following three paths to my environment variables:

  • ...\anaconda3\Scripts

  • ...\anaconda3

  • ...\anaconda3\Library\bin

Is there a way for me to access the Anaconda packages without reinstalling them for PyCharm? Thank you.


1 Answers


If you haven't checked it out already, Anaconda has some good documentation on how to use PyCharm with an Anaconda environment that you can check out here.

You will probably want to use an Existing Environment rather than create a new one and will have to make sure you point your Conda path to the existing executable (C:\Users\Name\anaconda3\Scripts\conda.exe). You should then be able to select the existing environments you have setup in the Interpreter drop down.
