I am working on converting a bunch of orgmode files into markdown. I have been unable to find how to prevent pandoc from converting headings greater than level 3 into numbered lists. For example:
* Heading 1
Here is some content
** Heading 2
Here is some content
*** Heading 3
Here is some content
**** Heading 4
Here is some content
***** Heading 5
Here is some content
**** Another Heading 4
Here is some content
***** Another Heading 5
Here is some content
Converting with this command: pandoc -f org -t gfm --atx-headers myfile.org
Results in this output:
# Heading 1
Here is some content
## Heading 2
Here is some content
### Heading 3
Here is some content
1. Heading 4
Here is some content
1. Heading 5
Here is some content
2. Another Heading 4
Here is some content
1. Another Heading 5
Here is some content
How can I have Heading 4 and Heading 5 be actual headings instead of numbered lists?
command to make the change? – Red Cricket