
Here is my My code:

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_csv('train.csv')

gender_dict = {"male": 1, "female": 2}
eye_color_dict = {"amber": 1, "blue": 2, "brown": 3, "gray": 4, "green": 5, "hazel": 6}
race_dict = {"black": 1, "white": 2, "middle_eastern": 3,"asian":4}
accommodation_type_dict = {"apartment": 1, "homeless": 2, "shared_residence": 3, "villa": 4, "other": 5}
education_status_dict = {"associate_degree": 1, "bachelors_degree": 2, "graduate_or_professional_degree": 3, "high_school": 4, "less_than_9th_grade": 5, "not_applicable": 6}
blood_type_dict = {"A+": 1, "A-": 2, "B+": 3, "B-": 4, "O+": 5, "O-": 6, "AB+": 7, "AB-": 8}
occupation_dict = {"agriculture": 1, "art": 2, "business": 3, "education": 4, "engineering": 5, "healthcare": 6, "unemployed": 7, "other": 8}
living_area_dict = {"suburbs": 1, "rural": 2, "urban": 3, "other": 4}
sports_engagement_dict = {"never": 1, "sometimes": 2, "seldom": 3, "regularly": 4}
favorite_music_genre_dict = {"r&b": 1, "rock": 2, "pop": 3, "country": 4, "other": 5, "edm": 6, "classical": 7}
favorite_color_dict = {"green": 1, "orange": 2, "yellow": 3, "purple": 4, "blue": 5, "pink": 6, "red": 7}
owned_car_brand_dict = {"audi": 1, "bmw": 2, "ford": 3, "honda": 4, "hyundai": 5, "kia": 6, "none": 7, "tesla": 8, "other": 9, "mitsubishi": 10}
hours_worked_each_week_dict = {"not_applicable": 1}
owns_a_pet_dict = {"yes": 1, "no": 2}
has_health_insurance_dict = {"yes": 1, "no": 2}
has_cancer_dict = {"yes": 1, "no": 2}
smokes_dict = {"yes": 1, "no": 2}
has_alzheimers_dict = {"yes": 1, "no": 2}
facial_hair_dict = {"long": 1, "short": 2, "none": 3}
diet_type_dict = {"regular": 1, "vegetarian": 2, "keto": 3, "vegan": 4, "low-carb": 5, "paleo": 6}

df['gender'] = df['gender'].map(gender_dict)
df['eye_color'] = df['eye_color'].map(eye_color_dict)
df['race'] = df['race'].map(race_dict)
df['accommodation_type'] = df['accommodation_type'].map(accommodation_type_dict)
df['education_status'] = df['education_status'].map(education_status_dict)
df['blood_type'] = df['blood_type'].map(blood_type_dict)
df['occupation'] = df['occupation'].map(occupation_dict)
df['living_area'] = df['living_area'].map(living_area_dict)
df['sports_engagement'] = df['sports_engagement'].map(sports_engagement_dict)
df['favorite_music_genre'] = df['favorite_music_genre'].map(favorite_music_genre_dict)
df['favorite_color'] = df['favorite_color'].map(favorite_color_dict)
df['owned_car_brand'] = df['owned_car_brand'].map(owned_car_brand_dict)
df['hours_worked_each_week'] = df['hours_worked_each_week'].map(hours_worked_each_week_dict)
df['owns_a_pet'] = df['owns_a_pet'].map(owns_a_pet_dict)
df['has_health_insurance'] = df['has_health_insurance'].map(has_health_insurance_dict)
df['has_cancer'] = df['has_cancer'].map(has_cancer_dict)
df['smokes'] = df['smokes'].map(smokes_dict)
df['has_alzheimers'] = df['has_alzheimers'].map(has_alzheimers_dict)
df['facial_hair'] = df['facial_hair'].map(facial_hair_dict)
df['diet_type'] = df['diet_type'].map(diet_type_dict)

import sklearn
from sklearn import svm, preprocessing

df = sklearn.utils.shuffle(df)

X = df.drop("infected", axis=1).values
X = preprocessing.scale(X)
y = df['infected'].values

test_size = 200

X_train = X[:-test_size]
y_train = y[:-test_size]

X_test = X[-test_size:]
y_test = y[-test_size:]

clf = svm.SVR(kernel="linear")


for X,y in zip(X_test, y_test):
    print(f"Model: {clf.predict([X])[0]}, Actual: {y}")

I'm getting value error:

ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64').

And it told me :

<ipython-input-1-8b8c4c2d113b> in <module> 62 63 clf = svm.SVR(kernel="linear") ---> 64 clf.fit(X_train,y_train) 65 66 clf.score(X_test,y_test)`

this is the link to train.csv

I'm using jupyter-notebook, I'm new to sklearn and ml I attached the CSV file above, thank you for your help

Your input data contains nulls. Did you want to drop the rows with nulls? or are you looking to fill the null values?kait
@kait how can i do that? , also i checked the file i did not find null valuesAhmad Mardene

1 Answers


Looks like the column hours_worked_each_week contains nulls.

Do you get the same error if you drop that column:

X = df.drop(['infected', 'hours_worked_each_week'], axis=1).values

Alternatively, you can replace nulls with 0
