
Since these properties of DropShadow don't change:

radius: 10
samples: 15
color: "black"

in my usage, I tried to create a Custom Component named Shadow.qml that sets these:

anchors.fill: target
source: target

two properties. Here it is:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0

    id: root
    property string target
    anchors.fill: target
    source: target

    //property alias target: root.anchors.fill | root.source

    property alias fill: root.anchors.fill
    property alias source: root.source

    radius: 10
    samples: 15
    color: "black"

and in my usage, I can use it like this:

    anchors.fill: myTarget
    source: myTarget

and it works. The problem is I've to write myTarget in two places (i.e. anchors.fill and source) so I want to reduce it to a single line like this Shadow{ target: myTarget }

I've tried with each of those 3 commented out parts of Shadow.qml and none of those work!

First commented out line property string target should be Item probably? I don't have a running Qt installation here, but You can try DropShadow { anchors.fill: source; property alias target: source; ... }derM
@derM, up until now I've always used it only on Rectangle. Will it work on Item as well?user6283344
Usually, GraphicalEffects work on any visual Item applying a shader to the non-transparent pixel. Documentation is strange, declaring the type of source to be alias - when I worked with Qt, that was not a type... But that was with Qt 5.9derM
@derM, yes Rectangle/Item instead to string works, great!user6283344

1 Answers


The Target should not be a string it should be the Object on which the DropShadow should be applied to, which can be any kind of graphical Item

property Item target
anchors.fill: target
source: target

should work.
However you can also just make it fill the source:

anchors.fill: source

now, instead of setting the target, you set the Source:

Shadow {
    source: Rectangle { ... }

If the property name target is required, create an alias for source:

DropShadow {
    property alias target: source
    anchors.fill: source

Creating an alias instead of a real property should be more efficient.