So I'll preface this by stating that my boss is asking me to set up a Google Cloud Storage back up process without having the Google Bucket instance or the .json key file for Google Cloud Platform. Basically, I'm writing a script to batch the process to our Linux and Windows instances of Google Cloud Platform machines to take the back up file that will be stored daily, send it to the Google Cloud Storage, then the delete the file from the system (so that the backup file doesn't take up space on the instance). Since all of this is relatively newer to me, I was hoping to get some advice on whether the key (.json private key) is needed for this process and how to include it; obviously, I don't have the key but I want to add a placeholder until we set that up.
I found Google's documentation pretty helpful but a tad overwhelming. Here is the link to what I have used for reference:
Here is my code:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient;
// Set up storage client with keyfilepath or .json key necessary?
// Set the parameters for Google cloud bucket name, filename, and path to file.
$bucketName = "fishbowl-storage";
$fileNameA = "backup_filename";
$fileNameB = "quickbook_filename";
$dataBackupSource = "";
$dataQBBackupSource = "";
// Set the function that will upload the file to google Cloud Storage.
function upload_object($bucketName, $fileName, $source)
// Create the storage client and store the file in the cloud.
$storage = new StorageClient();
$file = fopen($source, 'r');
$bucket = $storage->bucket($bucketName);
$file = $bucket->upload($file, [
'name' => $fileName
// Print the success message to the user.
printf('Uploaded %s to gs://%s/%s' . PHP_EOL, basename($source), $bucketName, $fileName);
// Check the OS to determine whether Linux or Windows.
if(php_uname('s') == "Linux"){
// Set the file path to grab back up.
$dataBackupSource = "../Fishbowl/backup";
$dataQBBackupSource = "../Fishbowl/otherbackup";
// Use try/catch statement to catch issues with private key.
// run the function to place both backup files in the Google Cloud Storage Bucket instance.
upload_object($bucketName, $fileNameA, $dataBackupSource);
upload_object($bucketName, $fileNameB, $dataQBBackupSource);
// Delete the old file stored in the path.
print ("The file cannot be deleteted or isn't present in this directory...");
print ("The file " . $fileNameA . " has been deleted.");
catch (Exception $e){
print "This process failed for the following reason: " . $e;
return false;
else if(php_uname('s') == "Windows NT"){
// Set the file path to grab back up.
$dataBackupSource = "../Fishbowl/backup";
$dataQBBackupSource = "../Fishbowl/otherbackup";
// Use try/catch statement to catch issues with private key.
// run the function to place both backup files in the Google Cloud Storage Bucket instance.
upload_object($bucketName, $fileNameA, $dataBackupSource);
upload_object($bucketName, $fileNameB, $dataQBBackupSource);
// Delete the old file stored in the path.
print ("The file cannot be deleteted or isn't present in this directory...");
print ("The file " . $fileNameA . " has been deleted.");
catch (Exception $e){
print "This process failed for the following reason: " . $e;
return false;
print "The operating system has another name...";
TLDR: Do I need the JSON Key to be included in my script to pass a file to the Google Cloud Storage and, if so, where do I put it?