I am new to angular 9... I have an observable in my template (theme$), which is updating properly, and based on the value of this observable, I want to make changes via javascript in my component definition:
<div [class]="'headerWrapper ' + (theme$ | async)">
theme$ is an observable.
i am not sure what is the proper place to check for this value (ie subscribe to $theme) updating in my component, instead of relying on its updated value in the template. I tried ngOnChanges
but that is only for @Input props. I want to write a method in my component class that will execute every time $theme changes (so not just ngOnInit).
my component:
ngOnInit() {
console.log(this, "THE THIS")
this.theme$ = this.dataService.currentTheme;}
my service which has the observable:
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
public themeSource = new BehaviorSubject('dark');
currentTheme = this.themeSource.asObservable();
toggleTheme(theme) {