
I have a pdf that has been created using the Foxit form designer. On my design system, I have the barcode font installed. The barcode font is used in one of the AcroFields. It appears that foxit does not embed the font in the document.

I also have customers that do not have the barcode font installed in their computers, and thus I would like to embed the font into the PDF. Is there a way for me to embed a font that is used in the AcroFields into the PDF using iText?

EDIT: The font seems to be included in the text, but not the fields, Therefore the font(barcode) will not print.


2 Answers


I'm almost sure that you got an answer by now, but maybe others would like to get a detailed view on the solution. Below is the sample java code I used to embed fonts in the generated PDF (useful only in some cases, as the size of the documents increases dramatically). As a free tool to create the PDF forms, I have used the OpenOffice writer, by adding forms inside the documents and exporting the documents as PDF files :

PdfReader pdfTemplate = new PdfReader(templateName);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BaseFont unicode = BaseFont.createFont(unicodeFontPath, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(pdfTemplate, out);
//assigning the font to the field
stamper.getAcroFields().setFieldProperty("myField", "textfont", unicode, null);
stamper.getAcroFields().setField("myField", someValue);
PdfContentByte ab = yourPDFWriter.getDirectContent();
// field: PdfFormField.createTextField(...);
PdfAppearance ap = ab.createAppearance(320, 30); // size of field

That should do the trick.