i have successfully wrote the code to upload images to firebase storage but getting errors when trying to get its download link,
my purpose of getting the download link is to save it to the database and later retrieve the link and use it as source of a image tag.
var ImgUrl;
var ImgName;
function uploader(){
ImgName = document.getElementById("namet").value;
var uploadTask = firebase.storage().ref('images/'+ImgName+'.png').put(files[0]);
document.getElementById("ImgUp").onclick = function(){
firebase.storage().ref('images/'+ImgName+'.png').getDownloadURL().then(function(downloadURL) {
ImgUrl= downloadURL;
firebase.database().ref("Information/"+ ImgName).set({
ImageName : ImgName,
Link : ImgUrl
the upload is successful i can see the image in storage with proper name, but cannot get pass this line and the database remains empty:
Error1: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
Error2: Firebase Storage: Object 'images/asd.png' does not exist.
?? Try usingfirebase.app.storage()
– obnoxiousnerd