I have a project which is nearly completed. The language I used in Storyboard and in code is German. I use Base localization (which is German because the Strings in Storyboard and Code are German). The App is also localized in English.
Basically I want that every non-German user can use my App in English but I also want to use German language in Storyboard and code.
For that, I set the Base localization to English (I set the language to "EN" in project.pbxproj, and I set the language to "United States" in the Plist file).
What I want is working but I think this is not the correct way to do it because in my current configuration Xcode thinks that my Base is English (because I set it to English) but in fact it's German. If I would set the Plist file and the project.pbxproj file back to DE users which are not German and not English would have to use my App in German. Or am I wrong?
What's the correct way to achieve that German users can use my App in German and all others should see the English version.