Does this work?
Yes, just make sure the account has edit access to be able to push (but I am sure you know that).
Is there a better approach?
There sort of is (unless you implicitly meant it), to quote from issue #42 of the clasp project GitHub:
New flag:
clasp login --local
Saves .clasprc.json locally, but would use global clasp credentials.
clasp login # global for all projects
clasp login --creds creds.json # your own creds
clasp login --local # local project. Useful for multiple Google accounts.
clasp login --creds creds.json --local # own creds, local
So technically you can use multiple accounts, but in the end, it boils down to your login
/ logout
Regrading discussion on switching between apps script projects with CLASP, I ended up writing a basic utility script for switching between Apps Script projects to push to (no dependencies, but if you want to manage flags in style, check out the popular Yargs package):
const fs = require('fs').promises;
const { promisify } = require("util");
const { spawn } = require("child_process");
const rl = require("readline");
const promiseAns = () => {
const dummy = rl.createInterface({
input: process.stdin
dummy.question[promisify.custom] = function (query) {
return new Promise((resolve) => this.question( query, resolve));
return promisify(dummy.question);
* @summary asks to confirm and exits if ok
* @param {import("readline").Interface} cons
* @param {string} init
const checkExit = async (cons, init) =>{
if ( !/exit/.test(init) ) {
const question = promiseAns();
const ans = await question.bind(cons)(`Are you sure (Y|n)?\n`);
if (/^Y(?:es)?/i.test(ans)) {
* @summary repeat question until matches
* @param {import("readline").Interface} cons
* @param {string} query
* @param {(ans: string) => boolean} condition
* @param {(ans: string) => any} onSuccess
const askUntil = (cons, query, condition, onSuccess) => cons.question(query, async (ans) => {
await checkExit(cons, ans);
if (!condition(ans)) {
return askUntil(cons, query, condition, onSuccess);
* @summary makes readline interface
const makeRL = () => {
const cons = rl.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
cons.on("line", (ln) => console.log(ln));
return cons;
process.on("unhandledRejection", (err) => {
const APP_CONFIG = {
paths: {
dotclasp: "./.clasp.json",
ids: "./ids.txt"
(async (configuration) => {
const cons = makeRL();
const { paths: { dotclasp, ids } } = configuration;
const text = await fs.readFile(ids, { encoding: "utf-8" });
const lines = text.split(/\r?\n/);
const relevant = lines.filter((line) => /^(\w+)\s+\w+/.test(line));
const lookup = {};
relevant.forEach((lbl) => {
const [label, id] = lbl.split(/\s+/);
lookup[label] = id;
const config = require(dotclasp);
const [label] = Object.entries(lookup).find(([, id]) => config.scriptId === id);
cons.emit("line", `Currently selected: ${label}`);
const { argv } = process;
const push = argv.includes("--push");
askUntil(cons, `Select project (${Object.keys(lookup).join(" | ")})\n`, (ans) => lookup[ans], async (ans) => {
config.scriptId = lookup[ans];
try {
await fs.writeFile(dotclasp, JSON.stringify(config), { encoding: "utf-8" });
cons.emit("line", `switched to ${ans}`);
catch {
cons.emit("line", `failed to switch to ${ans}`);
if (!push) {
const cp = spawn(`clasp push --force`, {
stdio: "inherit",
shell: true
cp.on("error", ({ message }) => {
cp.on("exit", () => {
cons.emit("line", `pushed to ${ans}`);