
I'm very new to excel VBA macro and I just want to right an excel formula to validate an email which has been customized. For an example the email that I'm finding, must end up with '@gmail.com' and must reject following mail items;

  1. [no word]@gmail.com
  2. [space]@gmail.com
  3. [email protected][any word]
  4. [email protected]
  5. xxx@gmail/.com
  6. xxx@gmail/com

To validate the email address I have written a regex as follows;


I tried different ways to apply these regex in to an excel formula like =MATCH but it did not work. I need to complete this email validation using an excel formula only.

I'm grateful if someone can help me on this?

Does this help?user7571182
@Mandy8055 Yes that is helpful. Could you tell me how to use this in an excel formula?Punya Munasinghe

2 Answers


Before you use the regex inside excel; you need to setup VB inside to be able to use it. Please follow the below steps:

Steps to Add VBA reference to "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5

  • Select "Developer" tab (I cannot find this tab what to do?)

  • Select "Visual Basic" icon from 'Code' ribbon section

  • In "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications" window select "Tools" from the top menu.

  • Select "References"

  • Check the box next to "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" to include in your workbook.

  • Click "OK".

  • Right-click on your workbook name in the "Project-VBAProject" pane (at the top left corner of the editor window) and select Insert -> Module from the context menu. The screenshot may look like: enter image description here

  • Now; inside the module; paste the below function.

Function simpleCellRegex(MyVal As String) As String
    Dim regEx As New RegExp

    'Below is the flag options'
    With regEx
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "^[\w.-]+@gmail\.com$"
    End With

    If regEx.Test(MyVal) Then
        simpleCellRegex = "Matched"
        simpleCellRegex = "Not matched"
    End If

End Function

Save the whole workbook as Excel Macro-enabled Workbook instead of Excel workbook enter image description here

That's it. You're all set.

Now go to your excel sheet and inside your formulas tab use the above declared macro. I used

Result: Result


While you have mentioned what to avoid, you have not really mentioned what exactly to match. It's hard to imagine you'd want to match something like [email protected] or [email protected] and [email protected] so therefor a little bit more secure would be:


See the online Demo. It's not perfect but may take care of a number of cases you actually need the match to fail.

To call this as an UDF, you may use:

Function REGEXMATCH(str As String, pat As String) As Boolean
    With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = pat
        REGEXMATCH = .Test(str)
    End With

End Function

You can now call this using =REGEXMATCH(A1,"^(?!_+(?:[.-]?_*)*)\w+(?:[-.]?\w+)*@gmail\.com$")

enter image description here

Note I used late binding on the regexp object. It's a personal preference and may come in handy when you need to distribute the project.