I am using Vue to build a kind of form builder with dynamic meta elements. See here:
<div v-for="item in getFieldType(selectedElement.type).meta"
<div class="form-group">
<label>{{ item.label }}</label>
This is simply presented the definition of the field types + the loading of the fields from the API:
this.file = await this.$store.dispatch('files/fetch', this.$route.params.id);
// [...]
this.selectedElement = this.file.fields[1].rawFields; // Simplified
data() {
return {
fieldTypes: [
type: 'singleline-text',
label: 'Singleline Textfields',
config: {
minwidth: 50,
name: true,
meta: [
type: 'text',
label: 'Prefilled Value',
hint: 'This value will be prefilled',
id: 'prefilled'
So basically this is beeing used from VueX: this.file.fields[1].rawFields
Unforunately when I try to edit the TextField, I am getting following error:
[vuex] do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.
I researched and found this in docu: https://vuex.vuejs.org/guide/forms.html but it does not help as my approach is more dynamic. I have to find a way to "unbind" the rawFields from the vueX state as I wont need it there anymore later. I don't want to set strict to false. Is there any elegant way to solve this issue?
I also found this which describes how to handle it keeping it in Vue state: Vuex - Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers
But in my case it will make more sense to just unbind it instead of writing more getters, setters, blur/focus listeners etc.