
Hello everyone, I am working on a project. I need to perform Association Rule Mining on a Census Data Which Looks Like the image given below.Census Data

I am using the Apriori Algorithm from the mlxtend library. Here is the Code.

# Library Imports
import pandas as pd
from mlxtend.preprocessing import TransactionEncoder
from mlxtend.frequent_patterns import apriori
from mlxtend.frequent_patterns import association_rules

# Reading the Data File
data = pd.read_csv("Census.csv")

# Reading Certain Columns of the Data File.
df = data[["Region","Residence Type","Sex","Student"]]

# Initializing the Transaction Encoder 
te = TransactionEncoder()

# Fitting the Data.
te_ary = te.fit(df).transform(df)

# Creating a Dataframe of Support and Element name
df2 = pd.DataFrame(te_ary, columns=te.columns_)

# Calling in the Apriori Algorithm.
fre = apriori(df2,min_support=0.6,use_colnames=True)

# Calling the Association Rule Function.
association_rules(fre, metric="confidence",min_threshold=0.7)

But the fre variable does not returns any rules, it is always empty. Can someone help me please.It is request.

Do you mean that your variable fre, which holds the return of the apriori function call is always empty?captnsupremo
Yes sir it is EmptyRahul Pandey
I mean the min_support of 0.6 is pretty high...Feelx234
At Initial I used my Calculated value of 0.047 @Feelx234Rahul Pandey

1 Answers


I tried many ways and a friend of mine suggested me a way for solving my problem. It worked in a graceful way, but yes it requires your logic too. This is the link which helped me to implement my question in a better way, here it is. In my solution I used correlating parameters and created a basket.

This is it. Thank you.