I'm not the most proficient with VBA but have managed to piece together the following actions:
Copy info from sheet in workbook that macro is built in
Paste info in different workbook sheet (serves as a template) and prompt input msg box to create new worksheet (copies template sheet and create new tab) with name entered in the input box. Code below for this step:
Function IsWorkBookOpen(name As String) As Boolean Dim xWb As Workbook On Error Resume Next Set xWb = Application.Workbooks.Item(name) IsWorkBookOpen = (Not xWb Is Nothing) End Function Dim xRet As Boolean xRet = IsWorkBookOpen("Roadmap - Campaigns - Current.xlsm") If xRet Then ThisWorkbook.Activate Range("B4:B20").Select Selection.Copy Workbooks("Roadmap - Campaigns - Current.xlsm").Sheets("Paste Request Form").Activate Range("B7").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Else Workbooks.Open fileName:= _ "C:\Users\CompanyName\Project - MM Team - MM Team\Roadmap - Campaign\Roadmap - Campaigns - Current.xlsm" _ , UpdateLinks:=3 ThisWorkbook.Activate Range("B4:B20").Select Selection.Copy Workbooks("Roadmap - Campaigns - Current.xlsm").Sheets("Paste Request Form").Activate Range("B7").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False End If
Copy last row of data and insert new line with existing formulas/formatting into master tracking list that needs to update the formula sheet reference to the new sheet.
Dim NewSheet As String NewSheet = InputBox("Please enter name for new worksheet") Sheets("Paste Request Form").Select Application.CutCopyMode = False Sheets("Paste Request Form").Copy After:=Sheets(8) ActiveSheet.name = NewSheet
Where I'm getting hung up is the last step. I cannot figure out how to update the sheet reference in the formula to the new sheet name from the input box. I've tried a couple things that I've found on the internet but not been successful to adapt them to work. Any help would be most appreciated!
There should be formulas to update in the newly inserted row of data. Example of the formulas with sheet reference below: =IF((VLOOKUP(C$3,'Tab 6.24.20'!$A:$B,2,FALSE))="","",(VLOOKUP(C$3,'Tab 6.24.20'!$A:$B,2,FALSE)))
I assume there has to be a way to define an object for the old worksheet string and replace it with the NewSheet
Forgive any misspoken terms, I'm self taught and not sure that I completey know all the appropriate vba terms.