
It all started with something I read on: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/HMS-Guides/3021001

a. The following automatic collection events of HUAWEI Analytics Kit depend on HMS Core [..] : INSTALLAPP (app installation), UNINSTALLAPP (app uninstallation), CLEARNOTIFICATION (data deletion), INAPPPURCHASE (in-app purchase), RequestAd (ad request), DisplayAd (ad display), ClickAd (ad tapping), ObtainAdAward (ad award claiming), SIGNIN (sign-in), and SIGNOUT (sign-out).

First question: anyone knows the full list of events that are automatically collected?

Second: how can one developer have control over this? For instance: disable automatic collection.

At: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/HMS-References/3021008 there are mentions about com.huawei.hms.analytics.HiAnalyticsInstance.setAutoCollectionEnabled() - which is deprecated - and the other com.huawei.hms.analytics.HiAnalyticsInstance.setAnalyticsEnabled() is not very clear what it does.


3 Answers


First question: anyone knows the full list of events that are automatically collected?

You can find the full list of events here.

Second: how can one developer have control over this? For instance: disable automatic collection.

Yes setAnalyticsEnabled is the right method. As you can read in the doc:

Whether to enable automatic event collection. The options are as follows. The default value is True.

True: Automatic collection of system events is enabled.

False: Automatic collection of system events is disabled.


First question: anyone knows the full list of events that are automatically collected?

Here is the full list of Automatically Collected Event.

Second: how can one developer have control over this? For instance: disable automatic collection.

To disable automatic collection of events, call the com.huawei.hms.analytics.HiAnalyticsInstance.setAnalyticsEnabled() method.

We prefer use this interface. It provides the same function as the com.huawei.hms.analytics.HiAnalyticsInstance.setAutoCollectionEnabled() method, which has been deprecated because of the upgrate of SDK version.

First question: anyone knows the full list of events that are automatically collected?

Read following steps in the link: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/HMS-Guides/event_description#h1-1585794160367

Second: how can one developer have control over this? For instance: disable automatic collection.

setAnalyticsEnabled: public void setAnalyticsEnabled(boolean enabled)

Specifies whether to enable data collection based on predefined tracing points. If the function is disabled, no data is recorded.

setAutoCollectionEnabled: public void setAutoCollectionEnabled(boolean isEnabled)

Deprecated. The function of collecting system events is automatically enabled during initialization.