I have just started to use slickgrid (++ to the author btw) - running into a few small issues - I want to dynamically update some fields using the in-context editing. Once editing is done I wish to send this to the server which also should validate what was sent. If there is an error I would like to handle the error in a similar way to how the validatr event works? e.g. highlight the cell and not let the user to move away until it is valid, however I do not see how I can do so? any advice on this would be much appreciated!
Code so far...
grid.onCellChange.subscribe(function(e, args) {
var item = args.item;
var column = args.cell;
var row = args.row;
var value = data[args.row][grid.getColumns()[args.cell].field];
var id = args.item.id;
var field = grid.getColumns()[args.cell].field;
var dataString = "id="+id+"&field="+field+"&value="+value;
var status = false;
type: "POST",
url: "/en/<?php echo $this->controller; ?>/updateattribute/&callback=?'",
data: dataString,
dataType: "json",
success: function(a) {
if(a.status == true) {
status = true;
} else {
status = false;
return false;
if(!status) {
return false;
Many thanks