I am trying to do something like below.
dynamic "volume" {
for_each = var.volumes
content {
host_path = lookup(volume.value, "host_path", null)
name = volume.value.name
dynamic "efs_volume" {
for_each = var.efs_volumes
content {
name = efs_volume.value.name
efs_volume_configuration {
file_system_id = efs_volume.value.file_system_id
root_directory = efs_volume.value.root_directory
transit_encryption = efs_volume.value.transit_encryption != "ENABLED" ? "" : "ENABLED"
dynamic "authorization_config" {
for_each = efs_volume.value.access_point_id != "" ? [1] : []
content {
access_point_id = volume.value.access_point_id
Its giving me,
Error: Unsupported block type
Blocks of type "efs_volume" are not expected here
Can anyone point me what is wrong here? I am using terraform 0.12.24.
Please note, I know that "authorization_config" still not supported by AWS provider, I hope the feature will be coming soon as I have seen the github pull request. Hence, I'm preparing my code compatibility. Basically, what I need is to mount both host and EFS volumes into my ECS task definition.
I updated the code as you said.
dynamic "volume" {
for_each = var.volumes
content {
host_path = lookup(volume.value, "host_path", null)
name = volume.value.name
dynamic "efs_volume_configuration" {
for_each = lookup(volume.value, "efs_volume_configuration", [])
content {
file_system_id = lookup(efs_volume_configuration.value, "file_system_id", null)
root_directory = lookup(efs_volume_configuration.value, "root_directory", null)
Now the problem is,
> efs_volume_configuration
getting added to each volume block. Which actually need to be null.
``` + volume { # forces replacement
+ host_path = "/var/run"
+ name = "docker-sock-folder"
+ efs_volume_configuration {}
+ volume { # forces replacement
+ host_path = "/var/run/docker/netns"
+ name = "docker-netns"
+ efs_volume_configuration {}
+ volume { # forces replacement
+ name = "efs_share"
+ efs_volume_configuration {
+ file_system_id = "fs-xxxxxx"
+ root_directory = "/"
Here is my varaibles..
type = list(object({
name = string
host_path = string
efs_volume_configuration = list(object({
file_system_id = string
root_directory = string
description = "Task volume definitions as list of configuration objects"
default = [
"name" : "data-folder",
"host_path" : "/var/lib/data",
"efs_volume_configuration" = [
"file_system_id" : "",
"root_directory" : ""
"name" : "docker-sock-folder",
"host_path" : "/var/run",
"efs_volume_configuration" = [
"file_system_id" : "",
"root_directory" : ""
"name" : "efs_share",
"host_path" : null,
"efs_volume_configuration" = [
"file_system_id" : "fs-xxxxxx",
"root_directory" : "/"