Okay so with this code I am able to get the actual mail content which comes by Email but what I want is I want to get message and attachment too. what can be done in order to list out attachments and later on giving option to download the attachments gmail api.
var ifrm = document.getElementById("iframe").contentWindow.document;
ifrm.body.innerHTML = getMessageBody(message.payload);
let getMessageBody = (message) => {
var encodedBody = "";
if (typeof message.parts === "undefined") {
encodedBody = message.body.data;
} else {
encodedBody = getHTMLPart(message.parts);
return Base64.decode(encodedBody);
let getHTMLPart = (arr) => {
for (var x = 0; x <= arr.length; x++) {
if (typeof arr[x].parts === "undefined") {
if (arr[x].mimeType === "text/html") {
return arr[x].body.data;
} else {
return getHTMLPart(arr[x].parts);
return "";
Gmail API when I click on message.
getOneMessage = (messageId) => {
return window.gapi.client.gmail.users.messages
userId: "me",
id: messageId,
(response) => {
message: response.result,
(err) => {
console.error("getMessage error", err);
handleMessageClick = (e) => {
const messageId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute("id");