I want to show a task module (not url) while bot installs (with tab) in the teams. Something like Text
does, but a bit more interactive with drop downs and all.
I have referred to the link to create deep link for tab and paste the link here, in app-studio manifest editor:
But this doesn't seem to work. Only an empty pop up shows following this procedure.
Can someone correct me, where I am going wrong! TIA!
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/task/<appId>?card={"contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive","content": {"type": "AdaptiveCard","body": [{"type": "TextBlock","text": "Here is a ninja cat:"},{"type": "Image","url": "http://adaptivecards.io/content/cats/1.png","size": "Medium"}],"version": "1.0"}}&height=450&width=450&title=<title>&completionBotId=<appId>
I used this link in Configuration Url with adaptive card – Swati Sneha