I know this is basic for signal processing, but, I am not sure what is wrong about my approach. I have a signal that behaves as damped sine signal with a sampling frequency of 5076Hz and 15,000 number of samples. I found from the following website how to convert a signal from a time domain to frequency domain and managed to get the FFT and frequency values. The code can be found below the link:
Machine Learning with Signal Processing Techniques
def get_fft_values(y_values, T_s, N, f_s):
f_values = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N//2)
fft_values_ = np.fft.rfft(y_values)
fft_values = 2.0/N * np.abs(fft_values_[0:N//2])
return f_values, fft_values
I managed to get the frequency and FFT values. However, I need to implement filters to remove some noise from the signal, so, I created the following functions to implement the filter part:
def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order):
nyq = 0.5 * fs
low = lowcut / nyq
high = highcut / nyq
b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='bandpass', output='ba')
return b, a
def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order):
b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
y = filtfilt(b=b, a=a, x=data)
# y = lfilter(b=b, a=a, x=data)
return y
I know that I would need to implement the following steps:
- Convert to the frequency domain
- apply a bandpass filter to get rid of frequencies you don't care about
- convert back to the time domain by inverse Fourier transform
So, I created the following inverse transform function, but, I can't get the filtered signal back and the amplitudes don't almost match the original signal. (For my case, I need to resample)
def get_ifft_values(fft_values, T, N, f_s):
# Time axis:
N = 9903
S_T = 1 / S_F
t_n = S_T * N # seconds of sampling
# Obtaining data in order to plot the graph:
x_time = np.linspace(0, t_n, N)
ifft_val = np.fft.irfft(fft_values, n=N)
y_s, x_time = scipy.signal.resample(x=ifft_val, num=N, t=x_time)
return x_time, y_s
What am I doing wrong here?
Edit 1:
Based on the answer from @Han-Kwang Nienhuys. I edited the above code and applied it to the approach below:
##### Converting the signal into fft:
f_val, fft_val = get_fft_values(y_values=y, T=S_T, N=N, f_s=S_F)
# Applying bandpass filter:
fft_filt_val = butter_bandpass_filter(data=fft_val, lowcut=50, highcut=600, fs=S_F, order=2)
# Applying the inverse transform of the frequency domain:
x_time, y = get_ifft_values(fft_values=fft_filt_val, T=S_T, N=N, f_s=S_F)
Here are the results from the signal:
- FFT of the original signal:
- Filtered FFT of the original signal:
- Converted Signal from Filtered FFT:
- Without Applying the bandpass filter:
of the complex-valued spectrum data. Start by verifying that the rfft/irfft roundtrip without filtering returns the original data, then test with a brickwall lowpass filter. – Han-Kwang Nienhuys