
I am trying to take AprilTag's 3x3 rotation matrix output and turn that into Euler angles.

I understand that using Euler angles can present some problems such as axes ordering and gimbal lock, etc. But my use case is very simple and that really shouldn't be a problem.

I have AprilTag successfully detecting tags, and estimating a pose like so:

    apriltag_detection_t* det = [obtained externally]
    apriltag_detection_info_t info;
    info.det = det;
    info.tagsize = [a constant];
    info.fx = [a constant];
    info.fy = [a constant];
    info.cx = [a constant];
    info.cy = [a constant];

    apriltag_pose_t pose;
    estimate_tag_pose(&info, &pose);

I can pull the translational data off that pose without any issue, like so. (And it seems to be quite accurate, about 1/3" error at 18" away)

    double translation_on_axes_1 = pose.t->data[0];
    double translation_on_axes_2 = pose.t->data[1];
    double translation_on_axes_3 = pose.t->data[3];

I can access the estimated 3x3 rotation matrix (of type matd_t) at pose.R. The problem is, I cannot figure out how to take that 3x3 matrix and turn it into "normal" euler angles. I've tried 3 different methods for converting a 3x3 matrix to euler angles that I found online, and none work.

First method I found:

void rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(matd_t* matrix, double out[])
    double sy = sqrt(MATD_EL(matrix, 0, 0) * MATD_EL(matrix, 0, 0) +  MATD_EL(matrix, 1, 0) * MATD_EL(matrix, 1, 0) );

    bool singular = sy < 1e-6; // If

    double x, y, z;
    if (!singular)
        x = atan2(MATD_EL(matrix, 2, 1) , MATD_EL(matrix, 2, 2));
        y = atan2(-MATD_EL(matrix, 2, 0), sy);
        z = atan2(MATD_EL(matrix, 1, 0), MATD_EL(matrix, 0, 0));
        x = atan2(-MATD_EL(matrix, 1, 2), MATD_EL(matrix, 1, 1));
        y = atan2(-MATD_EL(matrix, 2, 0), sy);
        z = 0;

    out[0] = x;
    out[1] = y;
    out[2] = z;

Second method I found:

void rotationMatrixToEulerAngles2(matd_t* matrix, double out[])
    double y_rot = asin(MATD_EL(matrix, 2, 0));
    double x_rot = acos(MATD_EL(matrix, 2, 2)/cos(y_rot));
    double z_rot = acos(MATD_EL(matrix, 0, 0)/cos(y_rot));

    double y_rot_angle = y_rot * (180.0/M_PI);
    double x_rot_angle = x_rot * (180.0/M_PI);
    double z_rot_angle = z_rot * (180.0/M_PI);

    out[0] = y_rot_angle;
    out[1] = x_rot_angle;
    out[2] = z_rot_angle;

Third method I found:

void rotationMatrixToEulerAngles3(matd_t* matrix, double out[])
    double m00 = MATD_EL(matrix, 0, 0);
    double m02 = MATD_EL(matrix, 0, 2);
    double m10 = MATD_EL(matrix, 1, 0);
    double m11 = MATD_EL(matrix, 1, 1);
    double m12 = MATD_EL(matrix, 1, 2);
    double m20 = MATD_EL(matrix, 2, 0);
    double m22 = MATD_EL(matrix, 2, 2);

    double x, y, z;

    if (m10 > 0.998) {
        x = 0;
        y = CV_PI/2;
        z = atan2(m02,m22);
    else if (m10 < -0.998) {
        x = 0;
        y = -CV_PI/2;
        z = atan2(m02,m22);
        x = atan2(-m12,m11);
        y = asin(m10);
        z = atan2(-m20,m00);

    out[0] = x;
    out[1] = y;
    out[2] = z;

All of those methods returned totally garbage data. I then attempted to use OpenCV's decomposeProjectionMatrix function as described here.

I fed it the data from AprilTag like so:

    double eulerAngles[3];

    double projMatrix[12] = {MATD_EL(pose.R, 0, 0),MATD_EL(pose.R, 0, 1),MATD_EL(pose.R, 0, 2),pose.t->data[0],
                             MATD_EL(pose.R, 1, 0),MATD_EL(pose.R, 1, 1),MATD_EL(pose.R, 1, 2),pose.t->data[1],
                             MATD_EL(pose.R, 2, 0),MATD_EL(pose.R, 2, 1),MATD_EL(pose.R, 2, 2),pose.t->data[2]};

    cv::Mat projection_mat_obj(3,4,CV_64FC1,projMatrix);
    cv::Mat cameraMatrixBogusOutput(3,3,CV_64FC1);
    cv::Mat rotMatrixBogusOutput(3,3,CV_64FC1);
    cv::Mat transMatrixBogusOutput(4,1,CV_64FC1);
    cv::Mat rotMatrixXBogusOutput(3,3,CV_64FC1);
    cv::Mat rotMatrixYBogusOutput(3,3,CV_64FC1);
    cv::Mat rotMatrixZBogusOutput(3,3,CV_64FC1);
    cv::Vec3d eulerAngles_vec;


    eulerAngles[0] = eulerAngles_vec.val[0];
    eulerAngles[1] = eulerAngles_vec.val[1];
    eulerAngles[2] = eulerAngles_vec.val[2];

That also yielded garbage data. I thought this would be simple, but apparently not. Does anyone know how to properly get euler angles out of AprilTag?

Use Eigen library. It contains classes to represent rotation. Search in google for rotation matrix to Euler angles with Eigen.Catree

1 Answers


I'm not sure about Euler, but here's a function I use to generate quaternions (which could easily be converted to Euler).

Quaternion matrix_to_quat(const matd_t *R) {
    double T = MATD_EL(R, 0, 0) + MATD_EL(R, 1, 1) + MATD_EL(R, 2, 2) + 1;
    double S = 0;

    double m0  = MATD_EL(R, 0, 0);
    double m1  = MATD_EL(R, 1, 0);
    double m2  = MATD_EL(R, 2, 0);
    double m4  = MATD_EL(R, 0, 1);
    double m5  = MATD_EL(R, 1, 1);
    double m6  = MATD_EL(R, 2, 1);
    double m8  = MATD_EL(R, 0, 2);
    double m9  = MATD_EL(R, 1, 2);
    double m10 = MATD_EL(R, 2, 2);

    Quaternion q;

    if(T > 0.0000001) {
        S = sqrt(T) * 2;
        q.x = -(m9 - m6) / S;
        q.y = -(m2 - m8) / S;
        q.z = -(m4 - m1) / S;
        q.w = 0.25 * S;
    } else if(m0 > m5 && m0 > m10)  {
        // Column 0:
        S  = sqrt(1.0 + m0 - m5 - m10) * 2;
        q.x = -0.25 * S;
        q.y = -(m4 + m1) / S;
        q.z = -(m2 + m8) / S;
        q.w = (m9 - m6) / S;
    } else if(m5 > m10) {
        // Column 1:
        S  = sqrt(1.0 + m5 - m0 - m10) * 2;
        q.x = -(m4 + m1) / S;
        q.y = -0.25 * S;
        q.z = -(m9 + m6) / S;
        q.w = (m2 - m8) / S;
    } else {
        // Column 2:
        S  = sqrt(1.0 + m10 - m0 - m5) * 2;
        q.x = -(m2 + m8) / S;
        q.y = -(m9 + m6) / S;
        q.z = -0.25 * S;
        q.w = (m4 - m1) / S;

    // Normalize
    double mag2 = 0;
    mag2 += q.x*q.x;
    mag2 += q.y*q.y;
    mag2 += q.z*q.z;
    mag2 += q.w*q.w;
    double norm = 1.0 / sqrt(mag2);
    q.x *= norm;
    q.y *= norm;
    q.z *= norm;
    q.w *= norm;

    return q;