My Vue sends a form from ant-design with axios put method when I check the response in database the value is null I've tried several attempt to pass the right parameter to no success. What is the right syntax to pass in parameter.
This is my form in Vue
<a-form :form="formEdit">
<a-input type="text" class="form-control" :value="show1prod.product_name" @input="show1prod.product_name = $" />
<a-textarea :value="show1prod.product_description" @input="show1prod.description_name = $" :rows="5" />
<button type="button" html-type="submit" @click="update(" class="btn btn-default">Save</button>
This is the axios put config
import axios from 'axios'
const Api = axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8000/api',
withCredentials: true
Api.defaults.withCredentials = true
export default Api
export default {
update (id,product_name, product_description) {
return Api.put('/products/update/' + id,product_name, product_description)
This the script I did not include the whole export default basic this is what's inside of it
formEdit: {
product_name: '',
product_description: ''
update (id) {
let product_name = this.show1prod.product_name;
let product_description = this.show1prod.product_description;
Products.update(id, product_name, product_description)
.then((response) => {
//this.product_name =
.catch((error) => {
Here is my Laravel route and controller code
Route::put('/products/update/{id}', 'ProductsController@update');
public function update(Products $request, $id)
$id = Products::find($id);
'product_name' => 'required',
'product_description' => 'required'
$id->product_name = $request->product_name;
$id->product_description = $request->product_description;
return response()->json($id);
What am I missing and how to solve this?
, but you're never sending these values to the server. Your validation is failing. Laravel will automatically determine the best response type based on the headers, and in this case it'sajax
so it sends the error bag back with a422
error code and the error messages. – Ohgodwhy