When I try to create a FunctionApp Premium Plan using the following commands:
# Create a Resource Group
az group create \
--name $rg_name \
--location $az_loc
# Create a Function App Storage Account
az storage account create \
--name $fa_storage_name \
--resource-group $rg_name \
--location $az_loc \
--sku Standard_LRS
# Create a Premium plan
az functionapp plan create \
--name $fap_name \
--resource-group $rg_name \
--location $az_loc \
--sku P2v2
I receive an error:
The requested app service plan cannot be created in the current resource group because it is hosting Linux apps. Please choose a different resource group or create a new one.
I also tried the sku EP2
with same result. The SKU's are really hard to find in the docs(!). Does anyone know which sku's work with Linux Azure Functions and what I might be missing here?