
I'm looking at this part of the documentation where AWS offers a path through the UI to create API keys: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-setup-api-key-with-console.html#api-gateway-usage-plan-create-apikey

enter image description here

but is there a way to automate this in AWS? Optimally it would be some sort of http triggered function that returns a newly generated api key, on demand.

hey were you able to figure out the IAM permissions to do this?foboi1122
the project where this is relevant is on hiatus for the time being so no unfortunately @foboi1122notacorn

1 Answers


is there a way to automate this in AWS? Optimally it would be some sort of http triggered function that returns a newly generated api key, on demand.

There are several ways you could automate creation of API keys, depending on your requirements.

For example, you could use create-api-key to create a key for a given API. This would be most useful to execute on an EC2 instance or a local workstation.

For an HTTP trigger, you could create new API in API Gateway with AWS_PROXY integration to a lambda function. The lambda could use create_api_key boto3 method to generate the key and return to the caller.

Yet another way would be to use SSM Automation's action aws:executeAwsApi to trigger the create-api-key based on some criteria you specify. These criteria could be determined by some CloudWatch Events, for example.