I use a big nasty formula to query multiple sheets in the same Google Sheet document named according to year (2020, 2019, 2018, etc...) to sum up a total value. Because I need to query a filtered range in a complex way, I've figured out the best way to do this without running into other troubleshooting issues is to SUM multiple queries like so:
IFERROR(QUERY(FILTER({EOMONTH(INDIRECT("'"&**TO_TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()))&"'!A1:A"&ROWS(INDIRECT("'"&TO_TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()))&"'!K2:K"))), 0),INDIRECT("'"&TO_TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()))&"'!K2:K")}, [filter conditions]), "select Col2 label Col2' ' ")), IFERROR(QUERY(FILTER({EOMONTH(INDIRECT("'"&TO_TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()-365))&"'!A1:A"&ROWS(INDIRECT("'"&TO_TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()-365))&"'!K2:K"))),0),INDIRECT("'"&TO_TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()-365))**&"'!K2:K")}, [filter conditions]), "select Col2 label Col2' ' "))
For some context, you can see the much larger IF formula that this SUM is meant to be nested into, in the "Example Matrix" tab of the sheet. My focus for this question is on the INDIRECT references, which I have been using to dynamically reference the most current year's sheet and the previous year's sheet. The problem is, if I want to keep doing this for every sheet as the years go on, I have to manually add a whole other query into my SUM using INDIRECT("'"&TO_TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()-730))&"'!K2:K") and INDIRECT("'"&TO_TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()-1095))&"'!K2:K") and so on, and that is just not an option considering how many of them I would need to add to multiple formulas in multiple sheets.
Is there any way I can adapt this for simplicity or perhaps make it into a script to accomplish summing queries for all sheets that are named by year for all time?
Here's a copy of my Example Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b29gyEgCDwor_KJ6ACP2rxdvauOzacDI9FL2K-jgg5E/edit#gid=1652431688
Thank you, any help is appreciated.
does not work inside array formulas. You could generate a formula text and copy paste it for execution once a year, or just get a formula for a 100 years with appropriate error handling, use it and forget about it for another 100 years. – kishkin