
In a component of my Angular 8 project, I have this method, which works perfectly to open a PDF report in a new tab:

public getReport() {
    if (this.userForm.valid) {
      // open before ajax call to pass browser security
      let windowRef = window.open('about:blank', '_blank');
      this._dataSvc.getDocument("LaborLevel/GetReport", this.reportParmsDto, (pdfFile: Blob) => {
        if (pdfFile) {
          let fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(pdfFile);
          windowRef.location.href = fileURL;
        } else {

However, I want to display the same document within an iframe hosted in the control, rather than opening a new tab. So, I have an iframe defined in my component like this:

<iframe id="iframe" #iframe width="400" height="500" [src]="dataLocalUrl" type="application/pdf" *ngIf="dataLocalUrl"></iframe>

And I created this method to set the content of the iframe to be the PDF document:

public getReport() {
    if (this.userForm.valid) {
      this._dataSvc.getDocument("LaborLevel/GetReport", this.reportParmsDto, (pdfFile: Blob) => {
        if (pdfFile) {
           let objUrl = URL.createObjectURL(pdfFile);
           this.dataLocalUrl = this._sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(objUrl);

However, when I do this, nothing at all displays in the iframe. I don't get any kind of error messages, but it is just empty (all white).

I have reviewed a number of articles which suggest that what I'm doing should work (including Angular 2 how to display .pdf file), but it's not working.

Note: If I hard code the URL of some web site, i.e., like this:

this.dataLocalUrl = this._sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl("https://theuselessweb.com/");

It works fine.

And if I take the objUrl ("blob:https://localhost:44303/1e820772-0df8-44c0-9416-96f560a8fc74") and paste it into the location bar of a new tab of my browser, the report displays just fine.

Why is my blob not working in the iframe???

Thanks for any assistance!

Do you have the document in your project? or do you download it and show it? .Carlos1232

1 Answers


I had this problem before. In your case, dataLocalUrl exists when you load the iframe (even with no content). What I did in my case is to force the iframe to refresh its content after asigning a URL to the variable (dataLocalUrl in your case) and it worked perfect for me. I will try to find the project and paste the code for you.