First question is 'does anyone know what i am doing wrong below?'. Second question is 'If no, is there a way to list files in some kind of command that I put in the Dockerfile hoping to debug more, and perhaps do a pwd in the Dockerfile too(trying to see what is different in each environment'
Step 1. git checkout master, git pull
Step 2. Run "gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml"
Step 3. Have a google build trigger setup using the 'same exact' cloudbuild.yaml from the repo
Step 4. "gcloud alpha builds triggers run default-push-trigger-1 --branch master"
Step 2 succeeds and properly runs the entry point of Docker image. Step 4. fails with
/bin/sh: ./ not found
ERROR: build step 0 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 127
My Dockerfile is very simple
RUN mkdir -p ./monobuild
COPY . ./monobuild/
WORKDIR "/monobuild"
My cloudbuild.yaml file is even more simple
- name:$PROJECT_ID/continuous-deploy
Are there any environment issues or something?
I run the docker build/push cycle in a directory with these files
- Dockerfile
- cloudbuild.yaml
OF COURSE, the ONLY two files needed in that directory are Dockerfile and so I should probably change my docker file to just copy downloadAndExtract. Anyways, that's not the important piece. Why is google build triggers not working for me?
EDIT: I just had an epiphany. Put ls as the entrypoint. This proved that the async trigger is corrupting my build image with my mono repo contents and blowing away anything I had setup. Why is this? Why would they make the sync kick off a build different than a built trigger?