
For a project with students I use WordPress with Timber (TWIG) + ACF

Fot this project I created 3 custom post types : dissertation, subject-imposed and subject-free

Each student can create only ONE post by custom post type (I created a restriction for that).

But now I would like to display a list with the name of each student and their 3 posts.

A list like that :

Nicolas Mapple

  • Title of custom post type dissertation + custom post type name + image (ACF field)
  • Title of custom post type subject-imposed + custom post type name + image (ACF field)
  • Title of custom post type subject-free + custom post type name + image (ACF field)

Brenda Smith

  • Title of custom post type dissertation + custom post type name + image (ACF field)
  • Title of custom post type subject-imposed + custom post type name + image (ACF field)
  • Title of custom post type subject-free + custom post type name + image (ACF field)

To begin I tried to get the ID of each student :

$students = get_users( array(
    'role'    => 'student',
    'orderby' => 'user_nicename',
    'order'   => 'ASC',
    'has_published_posts' => true

$students_id = array();

foreach ($students as $student) {
    $students_id[] = $student->ID;

After to get all posts from these ID :

$get_posts_students = get_posts( array(
    'author' => $students_id,
    'post_type' => array('dissertation', 'subject-imposed', 'subject-free')

$context['list_of_students'] = $get_posts_students;

I got the error urldecode() expects parameter 1 to be string and an array but with all posts, not grouped by student

Can I have some help please ? How to group posts by student ?

UPDATE - better but not complete (solution by @disinfor) :

With the get_posts in the foreach I got posts grouped. But I don't have the name of the student in each group.

$students = get_users( array(
    'role'    => 'student',
    'orderby' => 'rand',
    'has_published_posts' => true

$students_posts = array();

foreach ($students as $student) {
    $students_posts[] = get_posts( array(
        'author' => $student->ID,
        'post_type' => array('dissertation', 'subject-imposed', 'subject-free')

$context['students_posts'] = $students_posts;

I got an array like that, I would like the name of the student in each group : enter image description here

Why don't you move your get_posts into the foreach instead of using that to just populate an array with ids? You could still use the array, but use it to hold all the posts for each student. That way they are grouped.disinfor
Thank you. I didn't know it was possible. I tried. That's work. But I don't have the name of the student in each group. Only posts groupedJandon
I updated my postJandon

1 Answers


You can include the student's name into the array using get_user_meta():

foreach ($students as $student) {
    // Get the first name from user meta.
    $first_name = get_user_meta( $student->ID, 'first_name');
    // Get the last name from user meta.
    $last_name = get_user_meta( $student->ID, 'last_name');
    // Add a new array key for "name". The first name and last name return as arrays, so we use [0] to get the first index.
    $students_posts['name'] = $first_name[0] . ' ' . $last_name[0];
    $students_posts[] = get_posts( array(
        'author' => $student->ID,
        'post_type' => array('dissertation', 'subject-imposed', 'subject-free')

$context['students_posts'] = $students_posts;