I know the support for bluetooth is still under development but it seems to cover everything I need at this point so I decided to give it a try.
I just want to simulate reading from a source of data (a EKG machine) so I came up with this code:
from ubluetooth import BLE
from ubluetooth import FLAG_READ, FLAG_NOTIFY, FLAG_WRITE
import time
ekg_data = [-305,-431,-131,440 ,1158,1424,1445,1623,1500,1018,142 ,-384,-324,-414,-77 ,334 ,-372,-154,366 ,7613,1461,1403,6133,-179,-381,-224,-135,-168,-208,-187,-181,-180,-160,-160,-151,-150,-151,-138,-141,-128,-118,-106,-798,-677,-430,-253,-122,98 ,133 ,281 ,354 ,390 ,519 ,475 ,558 ,565 ,533 ,593 ,458 ,377 ,107 ,-335,-719,-116,-129,-132,-131,-119,-122,-111,-106,-105,-935,-971,-877,-841,-841,-725,-757,-660,-641,-660,-554,-592,-496,-473,-486,-387,-431,-350,-364,-347,-208,-365,-362]
bt = BLE()
HR_UUID = bluetooth.UUID(0x180D)
HR_CHAR = (bluetooth.UUID(0x2A37), bluetooth.FLAG_READ | bluetooth.FLAG_NOTIFY,)
((ekg,),) = bt.gatts_register_services(SERVICES)
# bt.gap_advertise(100, 'MicroPython EKG')
count = 0
while True:
if count >= len(ekg_data):
count = 0
bt.gatts_write(ekg, ekg_data[count].to_bytes(2, 'big'))
count += 1
Now the code compiles and runs (I can see the output on the console) but I cannot find the device in my bluetooth app (I am using the nordic app)
Does anyone with more knowledge on that area can tell me if I am overlooking something? I tried to take the advertising off and on because I thought I might be overriding something with it but that didn't help too...