
What I am trying to do is highlight cells that contain both a date and time together, I would like it to ignore the time and highlight the cell if the date is equal to TODAY.

For example:

-| A | B | 1 | Option1 | 06/17/2020 0800 | 2 | Option2 | 06/17/2020 1500 | 3 | Option1 | 06/18/2020 2300 | 4 | Option1 | 06/20/2020 0800 |

I would want B1 and B2 highlighted if today was 06/17/2020.

I tried a few different formulas in conditional formatting I found on Google, but with no luck. Thank you!

Is that text or an actual date/time in column B? (Does the cell change to a numeric value if you change the format to "General"?)BigBen
It would be text, it does not change value when changed from Date to GeneralJoshua Miller

1 Answers


Use a rule based on the following formula:


Apply to column B.

enter image description here

Note that this assumes that the date portion is always in the format mm/dd/yyyy, i.e. it takes up the 10 left characters.