I want to involve a feature in a Xamarin Forms app. This feature should allow a colour to be displayed until the user clicks the screen/ a button, and records the time taken to do so (almost like a reaction time thing.) This should repeat for different colours, with a pause between each of a white screen.
I currently have the main page in MainPage.Xaml, which gives the user the option to click Play Game, taking them to PlayGame.Xaml and PlayGame.Xaml.Cs
I have experience using C sharp, but have never wrote in Xaml before. I am mainly struggling with getting a instructions from the PlayGame.Xaml.Cs to PlayGame.Xaml, ie random background colour, and a timer.
What I mean to say is that while I can separately create a screen with a background colour and a button in the xaml page, and also create a random timer in the c sharp page, I don't know how to combine the 2. Any help?
Sorry for poor english, feel free to comment any questions for clarity.