There is a doc at Reference - IoT Hub endpoints that says that device endpoints: These endpoints are exposed using MQTT v3.1.1, HTTPS 1.1, and AMQP 1.0 protocols. AMQP and MQTT are also available over WebSockets on port 443. I can't find any documentation on how to access the twin document over HTTP. The samples on the various SDKs include only on MQTT and AMQP. I also looked in the IoT Hub REST and found only references to D2C. There is however in the C SDK a sample that one could supposedly get the twin document over HTTP, however when attempting to do that, one gets the following error:
v42$ ./iothub_client_device_twin_and_methods_sample
Error: Time:Wed Jun 17 13:35:02 2020 File:/Users/lucarv/OneDrive - Microsoft/source/devices/sdk/c/iothub_client/src/iothubtransporthttp.c Func:IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe_DeviceTwin Line:1189 IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe_DeviceTwin Not supported
I assume that Device Twins over HTTP is NOT supported. If that is true, would you kindly update your documentation? If it is indeed supported, could you please send me pointers to how this could be implemented?