
I've seen this question a zillion times, always answered by the extremely helpful @doug-stevenson ... but for the life of me after carefully reading through these I still can't see what i'm doing wrong.

Query (swift): DB.collectionGroup("sessions").whereField("email", arrayContains: "[email protected]")

I tried just hard-setting a value in the rules like this (see second rule):

rules_version = '2';

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /tenants-v1/{tenantId}/{doc=**} {
        allow read: if request.auth != null
                  && get(/databases/$(database)/documents/tenants-v1/$(tenantId)).data.uid == request.auth.uid;

    match /{path=**}/sessions/{session} {
      allow read: if request.auth != null
                     && resource.data.tenantId == 'timsolo';

    match /{document=**} {
      allow read, write: if false;

... and made sure /tenants-v1/timsolo/galleries/Dzim0sqH9ewwWY7C43oo/sessions/D6Ffo9VYWfcEgXaLVKJb contains a field tenantId with value string timsolo.

That did not work as expected: the query returns Missing or insufficient permissions.

Sanity test: taking out the last line of the second rule above (so it just allows all authenticated requests) causes this collectionGroup query to work as expected.

What's going on, why can't I check resource.data ?

End desire is to check auth.token.tenantIds, a custom-claim on the token, against the value in the data. I'd prefer to check against resource['__name__'][4] because that's the value I actually care about, but that doesn't work either. Anyways let's get the basic working first...

Can you share the entire code for your security rules. Also what is the exact query used for testing your rule? (Not DB.collectionGroup("sessions").whereField("email", arrayContains: "[email protected]") I guess).Renaud Tarnec
@RenaudTarnec OK I updated the question to show all the rules. No, that is indeed the entire query used for testing... there's a getDocuments on the end to execute the query, maybe you mean that part is missing in the above?xaphod

1 Answers


The problem seems indeed to come from this part:

... && get(/databases/$(database)/documents/tenants-v1/$(tenantId)).data.uid == request.auth.uid;

If you try to simply query for the /tenants-v1/timsolo/galleries/Dzim0sqH9ewwWY7C43oo/sessions/D6Ffo9VYWfcEgXaLVKJb document, you need to have an uid field in the /tenants-v1/timsolo/ document with the value corresponding to the uid of the authenticated user.

Note that you can easily detect that by using the "Rules Playground", see the doc for more info.