
I am trying to decode a live h264 video stream from a GoPro camera (http://www.gopro.com) using the ffmpeg libraries (libavcodec, ...). The problem is that the decoded video stream contains artifacts. For testing purposes I tried to decode the same stream using ffplay and it contains the same artifacts:

ffplay -f mpegts -fflags nobuffer -i udp://


ffplay -f mpegts -i udp://

enter image description here

ffplay produces these output messages: enter image description here

What could be the reasons for these artifacts? Is there a ffplay/ffmpeg parameter which might eliminate the artifacts?

[EDIT]: Here is a raw capture of the video: https://gofile.io/d/v2GOAe . It can be played back with ffplay -f mpegts -i gp5raw.264


Perhaps a simple bandwidth problem. You are using UDP. Could register the stream in a file, and provide it, so we can confirm this.mofo77
Here is the raw capture data: gofile.io/d/v2GOAeHyndrix

1 Answers


The broadcast side is sending packets too fast, and the network is dropping them. You need to send the stream in real time by adding the -re option before the input.

ffplay -re -f mpegts -fflags nobuffer -i udp://localhost:8554