
I need to select all not nulls column from Hive table and insert them into Hbase. For example, consider the below table:

Name      Place         Department  Experience
Ram      | Ramgarh      |  Sales      |  14
Lakshman | Lakshmanpur  |Operations   | 
Sita     | Sitapur      |             |  14
Ravan    |              |             |  25

I have to write all the not null columns from above table to Hbase. So I wrote a logic to get not null columns in one column of dataframe as below. Name column is mandatory there.

Name        Place       Department  Experience      Not_null_columns
Ram         Ramgarh     Sales        14            Name, Place, Department, Experience
Lakshman    Lakshmanpur Operations                 Name, Place, Department
Sita        Sitapur                  14            Name, Place, Experience
Ravan                                25            Name, Experience

Now my requirement is to create a column in dataframe with all values of not null columns in a single column as provided below.

Name      Place        Department   Experience    Not_null_columns_values
Ram       Ramgarh      Sales        14           Name: Ram, Place: Ramgarh, Department: Sales, Experince: 14
Lakshman  Lakshmanpur  Operations                Name:    Lakshman, Place: Lakshmanpur, Department: Operations
Sita      Sitapur                   14           Name:    Sita, Place: Sitapur, Experience: 14
Ravan                               25           Name:    Ravan, Experience: 25

Once I get above df I will write it to Hbase with Name as key and last column as value.

Please let me know if there could have been a better approach to do this.


1 Answers


Try this-

Load the test data provided

    val data =
        |Name    |  Place    |     Department | Experience
        |Ram      | Ramgarh      |  Sales      |  14
        |Lakshman | Lakshmanpur  |Operations   |
        |Sita     | Sitapur      |             |  14
        |Ravan   |              |              |  25

    val stringDS = data.split(System.lineSeparator())
      .map(_.split("\\|").map(_.replaceAll("""^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$""", "")).mkString(","))
    val df = spark.read
      .option("sep", ",")
      .option("inferSchema", "true")
      .option("header", "true")
//      .option("nullValue", "null")

      * +--------+-----------+----------+----------+
      * |Name    |Place      |Department|Experience|
      * +--------+-----------+----------+----------+
      * |Ram     |Ramgarh    |Sales     |14        |
      * |Lakshman|Lakshmanpur|Operations|null      |
      * |Sita    |Sitapur    |null      |14        |
      * |Ravan   |null       |null      |25        |
      * +--------+-----------+----------+----------+
      * root
      * |-- Name: string (nullable = true)
      * |-- Place: string (nullable = true)
      * |-- Department: string (nullable = true)
      * |-- Experience: integer (nullable = true)

convert struct and then json

    val x = df.withColumn("Not_null_columns_values",
      to_json(struct(df.columns.map(col): _*)))

      * +--------+-----------+----------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
      * |Name    |Place      |Department|Experience|Not_null_columns_values                                              |
      * +--------+-----------+----------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
      * |Ram     |Ramgarh    |Sales     |14        |{"Name":"Ram","Place":"Ramgarh","Department":"Sales","Experience":14}|
      * |Lakshman|Lakshmanpur|Operations|null      |{"Name":"Lakshman","Place":"Lakshmanpur","Department":"Operations"}  |
      * |Sita    |Sitapur    |null      |14        |{"Name":"Sita","Place":"Sitapur","Experience":14}                    |
      * |Ravan   |null       |null      |25        |{"Name":"Ravan","Experience":25}                                     |
      * +--------+-----------+----------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+