
I'm having an issue with Shopify products in collection page. I want to display products separately in collection pages. I have one collection [all products] and it have more than 200 products. All products have vendor like Red, Green, Yellow and so on. It have more than 10 vendors. If I do manually it work but not expected.

{% paginate collection.products by 50 %}
    {% for product in collection.products %}
        {% assign vendor = product.vendor | downcase | replace: ' ', '_' %}
        {% if vendor == 'green' %}
            {% include 'product-card' %}
        {% elsif vendor == 'red' %}
            {% include 'product-card' %}
        {% elsif vendor == 'yellow' %}
            {% include 'product-card' %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endpaginate %}

I don't want to set if condition set manually because I don't know how many vendors I have. Vendor H2 tag showing twice because inside of forloop.

How I wanted if vendor is green then show all green vendor products and title shouldn't be twice. Help will be appreciated.

I want like below example of Image

enter image description here

Note: Unable to showing live example because it's in Shopify also Store password protected.

Do you want to show all the 200+ products on a single page or do you want to filter product by vendor based on customer selection and use standard Shopify pagination?Vladimir
I said I have 200+ products. I don't want to show more than 50 products on page I will add pagination. My issue is I can't filter product by vendor. it shouldn't be customer selection. Example added in question description.Rahul
How are you going to paginate products bearing in mind they are grouped by vendors as per your screen?Vladimir
My goal is 50 products per page but product should be separated by vendor. Like above images. Can I show 200+ products without pagination and achieve my goal?Rahul

1 Answers


Here's how you can display up to 50 products per vendor (no pagination):

{%- for vendor in collection.all_vendors -%}
    <h2>{{ vendor }}</h2>
    {%- assign products = collection.products | where: "vendor", vendor | limit: 1 -%}
    {%- for product in products -%}
        {%- include "product-card" -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}