Can someone explain to me this error. the idea in this component is to show a pop-up once that it receive a boolean property from the father component. And it works but when I try to close the Pop-up I have the error. Thanks in advance.
<v-dialog v-model="showHazteSocioPopup" max-width="700">
<p id="test-v-dialog">
<v-btn @click="showMemberPanel">
Hacerse Socio
<v-btn @click="hideMemberPanel">
Seguir con la compra
export default {
name: 'PopupCheckoutActeSocio',
props: {
isVisible: {
type: Boolean,
require: true
computed: {
showHazteSocioPopup () {
return this.isVisible
methods: {
showMemberPanel () {
this.showHazteSocioPopup = false
this.$store.commit('setPanelComponent', 'alta-socio-checkout')
this.$store.commit('setPanelVisibility', true)
hideMemberPanel () {
this.showHazteSocioPopup = false