A Kafka Consumer (org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients:2.3.0) should consume messages from a topic with one partition.
The service logs the consumer subscription but it doesn't consume messages and doesn't appear in consumer group list using the Official Apache Tools kafka-consumer-groups.sh
2020-06-15 11:50:50.308 [main] INFO o.a.k.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer - [Consumer clientId=consumer-1, groupId=my-groupid] Subscribed to topic(s): my-topic
Service configuration should be OK because it works in pre-production environment. The difference between the environments is that production has three hosts and pre-production just one and I'm sure that there aren't networking issues.
What might be the cause behind this?
? Any diff inacks
on producer side? – mazaneichasubscribe()
. It does not indicate the consumer is part of the group, is consuming or is even connected as you can callsubscribe()
without callingpoll()
! Please attach some code and/or the full client logs – Mickael Maison