
I applied TTL in DynamoDb so that DynamoDB table will not bloat, using this tutorial : https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/automatically-archive-items-to-s3-using-dynamodb-time-to-live-with-aws-lambda-and-amazon-kinesis-firehose/

Now, this tutorial let me save my archived data in S3, in a format of DynamoJSOn. I have a problem reading it in Athena. How to access those data?

TTL data being saved in S3 looks like this: enter image description here

folder structure is S3 is this: yyyy/mm/dd.

How to deal with this in Athena?

Please be more specific about your problem, just saying you have a problem makes it very hard for us to help you. Be specific about error messages, how you set up your tables, etc.Theo
Okay, editing it.Jay Hyber

1 Answers


You can use an AWS Glue Crawler to infer the schema which can then easily be used by Amazon Athena.