I am trying to find which two objects have the minimum euclidean distance between them in R. I have done:
And I get the following distance matrix:
Acura Audi BMW Buick Corvette Chrysler Dodge
Audi 3.1495274
BMW 2.5272253 0.8824932
Buick 2.7363507 2.1892563 1.5595952
Corvette 4.0625240 2.4510262 3.0415220 4.3323665
Chrysler 2.3861259 1.5829112 1.3527912 1.6089444 3.0808340
Dodge 2.4011411 1.7289445 1.6058003 1.8883905 2.8791439 0.4580483
Then I determined the min
distance in the matrix which is:
min(D, na.rm = T)
# [1] 0.4274665
However, is there a way to retrieve the information of to which objects (row name and col name) does this value belongs to? I would expect something like "Saab" "BMW"
which(as.matrix(D) == min(D), arr.ind = TRUE)
. Where does the data setcars
come from? – Rui Barradasmtcars
for us to be able to reproduce the problem. – Rui Barradas