
I'm learning laravel but I have problem now with the image, I want it to save it in storage/app/public/avatar so I can show it, but it keep saving it in storage/app/avatar

I write this in the .env


And then I generate the storage link

php artisan storage:link 

but still the same, every time I upload a photo it saving it in storage/app/avatar

Anyone can help me?

In filesystems.php

'public' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root' => storage_path('app/public'),
        'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage',
        'visibility' => 'public',

Here :

 $attributes['avatar'] = request('avatar')->store('public/avatars');

In USer.php

public function getAvatarAttribute($value)
    return asset($value);

this method was working correctly when i was using a random avatar link, but now it show nothing, i check my database and the link is there and it's right

public function getAvatarAttribute($value)

$attributes['avatar'] = request('avatar')->store('public/avatars');

In the controller, update method:

    $user->password = Hash::make($user['password']);
    return redirect($user->path());

In the show.blade

            src= "{{ $user->avatar }}"
            class="rounded-full mr-4 absolute"
            style="width: 150px; left: calc(50% - 75px); top: 300px"

but the src become "(unknown)"

Hi Ali can you please show your code where you are trying to save the image?Doro
You think i should write store('public/avatars') ?Ali Aljarrah
yeah! possibly making use of $image->move($filepath,$filename);Doro
Okay i update it to store('public/avatars'), and it's work, but now i didn't display the image on the web site, i will update the codeAli Aljarrah
you also need to save the url to the image. or with assert('/avatars/filename.file-ext')Doro

2 Answers


This looks more like a configuration cache issue as your filesystem looks properly configured.

The storage/app folder is the path of laravel's default disk (the local disk). Since you had specified to use public as the default disk in .env but your application is still using the local disk path, it looks like a cache issue

Try using

php artisan config:clear

And then attempt


If it was indeed a cache issue, then the file should be stored in the storage/app/public folder.

To get the full path to the image, use


So in the accessor, use

public function getAvatarAttribute($value)
    return Storage::url('avatar/'.$value);

Using asset() to get the path to the file is not recommended because if some day you wish to switch storage to the cloud (S3, or any other storage. basically, you want to not use the storage folder of your application), then the asset() will no longer give you the correct path and you'd need to change it everywhere. But when using the storage facade, all you need to do is change it in the filesystems.php

Also, just to test it yourself, you could also specify the disk when storing by specifying the disk as the second argument to the store method

request('avatar')->store('avatars', 'public');

The store method stores the files in storage/app directory. That's why your code is storing the image in storage/app/avatars


This will place it under storage/app/public/avatars


To show it
