
I'm trying to make an add-in for PowerPoint. For this I need a slide preview of the PowerPoint slides (just like Powerpoint itself has at the left, with the small preview pictures). The only way I can think of is to use the Export() method to create images of the slides and cache them on the user's hard drive and then use them. However, I don't find this option very nice. I also think that I will run into performance problems with it relatively quickly. Is there a better way so that I do not have to read/write to the user's hard drive?

And I'm sorry, I'm completely new to VSTO, C# ...... Thank you very much!


1 Answers


Exporting slides is the most reliable way, unfortunately. You can read about alternatives on the PPT slides to images thread.

Also, you may consider taking screenshots programmatically in C#, see Capture screenshot of active window?.