
I am trying to create a simple shiny app that is connected to the Auth0 password system using the Auth0 library. Currently, I am just trying to run locally. I get an Auth0 page that says 'there could be a misconfiguration in the system or a service outage' when I try to run, but I can't figure out why. I took the following steps:

  1. library(Auth0) in app
  2. shinyServerAuth0(...) in app
  3. created a Auth0 'regular web application' project
  4. copied the Auth0 project secret, name, and username, and set it to variables in .Renviron
  5. added the URLS 'http://localhost:8080, https://[redacted].shinyapps.io/' to the Callback, Logout, and Web Origin settings.
  6. Saved/refreshed everything.

Any thoughts?

Is this real code? I thought the package name is auth0 (lower-case "a"). There are likely many things that could go wrong, such as not correctly identifying the URL of the app to the auth0 servers.r2evans
Thanks, you're right about it being auth0 instead of Auth0. I just typed it incorrectly in stack.Hattie35

1 Answers


Update: I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. I was setting the api_url to be https://[my_name].auth0.com instead of https://[my_name].us.auth0.com. So if you use the autogenerated YML and the US url make sure to change that.