I am trying to create a simple shiny app that is connected to the Auth0 password system using the Auth0 library. Currently, I am just trying to run locally. I get an Auth0 page that says 'there could be a misconfiguration in the system or a service outage' when I try to run, but I can't figure out why. I took the following steps:
- library(Auth0) in app
- shinyServerAuth0(...) in app
- created a Auth0 'regular web application' project
- copied the Auth0 project secret, name, and username, and set it to variables in .Renviron
- added the URLS 'http://localhost:8080, https://[redacted].shinyapps.io/' to the Callback, Logout, and Web Origin settings.
- Saved/refreshed everything.
Any thoughts?
(lower-case "a"). There are likely many things that could go wrong, such as not correctly identifying the URL of the app to the auth0 servers. – r2evans