
I have a logic app that I'm trying to put behind API Management and it's not triggering at all. For testing purposes I created a new logic app with these steps and I'm running into the same issue.

I'm adding the API by selecting Logic App in the APIM portal, setting a suffix of sandbox and adding the unlimited product. The original url for the logic app is https://{baseurl}.logic.azure.com/workflows/{workflow}/triggers/manual/paths/invoke/address/{postalCode}?api-version=2016-10-01&sp=%2Ftriggers%2Fmanual%2Frun&sv=1.0&sig={sig} and the url I'm hitting for the api management endpoint is https://{apim-name}.azure-api.net/sandbox/manual/paths/invoke/address/{postalCode}

The result when I hit the logic app directly is Postal Code: {postalCode} when I hit the api management endpoint it just returns an empty result with a 200 HTTP Code. I can look at the logic app and see it's not getting triggered.

Has any else run into this? Any help would be appreciated.

In API Management does it have mocking enabled? In the Design tab under Inbound Processing. I think it also has a message along the top if it is enabled.Scott Mildenberger
@ScottMildenberger No, the only policies I have are the ones that were created automatically when I imported the logic app, set-method, rewrite-uri and set-headerluxiconn
Maybe try editing the Backend and selecting the Logic App, maybe the linkage didn't get created properly.Scott Mildenberger
Tested this in another Azure environment and it worked so I just deleted and recreated the API Managment Service and it's working now.luxiconn

1 Answers


I don't know why you got 202 with empty result, but I test it success. I got the Postal Code: {postalCode} after request the APIM endpoint(both request in the APIM test and request it in postman). Here I provide my steps for your reference.

1. I create a logic app shown as below: enter image description here

2. Then I create APIM and configure the logic app url in it. enter image description here enter image description here

3. Click the "Send" button in APIM test, get the response shown as below: enter image description here

4. When request the APIM request url in postman, it also get result success. enter image description here

Hope it helps~