I have a logic app that I'm trying to put behind API Management and it's not triggering at all. For testing purposes I created a new logic app with these steps and I'm running into the same issue.
I'm adding the API by selecting Logic App in the APIM portal, setting a suffix of sandbox and adding the unlimited product. The original url for the logic app is https://{baseurl}.logic.azure.com/workflows/{workflow}/triggers/manual/paths/invoke/address/{postalCode}?api-version=2016-10-01&sp=%2Ftriggers%2Fmanual%2Frun&sv=1.0&sig={sig} and the url I'm hitting for the api management endpoint is https://{apim-name}.azure-api.net/sandbox/manual/paths/invoke/address/{postalCode}
The result when I hit the logic app directly is Postal Code: {postalCode}
when I hit the api management endpoint it just returns an empty result with a 200 HTTP Code. I can look at the logic app and see it's not getting triggered.
Has any else run into this? Any help would be appreciated.