
My IDE is: Code::Blocks 20.03 ( compiler: mingw 9.2.0 ) My OS is: Windows 10 Home 2004 x64

I intend to use LAPACK and BLASE libraries with gfortran programs.

I followed the instructions from the site: icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-for-windows/lapack/index.html#libraries

Section: Build Instructions to create LAPACK and LAPACKE 3.5.0 dlls for Windows with MinGW.

I used CMake according to the steps listed in the link I posted. I had no problems during the process itself. The contents of the directory named lib after completion are:


I try to find out on the internet and I follow the instruction from this question:


I also read the instructions from the code :: blocks manual( including libraries, LibFinder...)...

After build and run I got this message:


Is there a way to use the specified libraries in the specified IDE because I need them to solve certain problems from fitting data with a polynomial of a certain degree ( I do not have a money to use Intel MKL)?

Your title says liblapack.dll Your text says liblapack.dll.a Which exact files do you have? You did not answer that even in the discussion under your older question stackoverflow.com/questions/62288851/… I suggested to download the dill file from your link and you replied that you have it already. However, in your text you only mention liblapack.dll.**a** .Vladimir F
@VladimirF I made a change in the question itself. I did what you suggested to me but the result is the same.Harry Kastorp
What exactly did you write into the "Link libraries" dialog box?Vladimir F
BTW, this is the reason I avoid IDEs. It is so much easier to use the compiler in the command line.Vladimir F
@VladimirF This: (imgur.com/SBOre0h)Harry Kastorp

1 Answers


The following needs to be done.

  1. step - follow the instructions from mentioned site in question ( downloading Lapack 3.9.0, creating bin and lib directories with CMake, cmd ...)
  2. step - right click on project => build options => linker settings and adding all files from lib directory, adding the path to lib in search directories tab..
  3. step - it is necessary to copy all .dll files from Lapack bin to project bin\debug ( .exe file is in bin )

After performing all the listed steps, it is possible to use certain procedures from the Lapack library in code::blocks projects ( gfortran )!