I would like to use a Flow as a return type for all functions in my repository. For ex:
suspend fun create(item:T): Flow<Result<T>>
This function should call 2 data sources: remote(to save data on the server) and local(to save returned data from the server locally). The question is how I can implement this scenario:
- try to save data with RemoteDataSource
- if 1. fails - try it N times with M timeout
- if data has finally returned from the server - same them locally with LocalDataSource
- return flow with locally saved data
RemoteDataSource and LocalDataSource both have fun create
with the same signature:
suspend fun create(item:T): Flow<Result<T>>
So they both return flow of data. If you have any ideas about how to implement it, I will be grateful.
------ Update #1 ------
a part of a possible solution:
suspend fun create(item:T): Flow<T> {
// save item remotely
return remoteDataSource.create(item)
// todo: call retry if fails
// save to local a merge two flows in one
.flatMapConcat { remoteData ->
.map {
// other mapping
Is it a working idea?