I've tried a few ways of doing this, but can't seem to grok exactly how to get this done.
I have a large fact table full of charges with posting dates, and a calendar table associated via the posting date.
I want to get a rolling 5 day average of each day's total charges, but excluding the weekends, since those are exceedingly small.
So this, obviously, works for a rolling 5 day average including all days of the week. 'Date' is the Calendar Table CombinedData is the fact table [ChargesTotal] just calculates SUM(CombinedData[charges]).
AVERAGEX(DATESINPERIOD('Date'[Date], LASTDATE(CombinedData[postdate]), -5, DAY), [ChargesTotal])
I'm just not sure how to filter to always get 5 days, but not include weekends.
Any guidance is appreciated, and I am glad to clarify anything I presented poorly.