I have an image that i need to reduce it's it resolution without in an approach other than resizing. I tried to change the Dpi but apparently my image doesn't have a DPI (i don't know if that is possible). I want my image with low resolution for an object detection code. Moreover, i tried using filters such as "GuassianBlur" and other image processing approaches for a better detection however, i want a solution for lowering my image resolution.
im = Image.open("car.png")
im.save("Dpi_test.png", dpi=(10, 10))
This was the code i used for dpi, when i tried to print the dpi using this function, it gave me KeyError:
For more information these are the results i wish for:
Click here for sample image.
Any help in how can i reduce the resolution of an image would be more than great! Thank you
An edited clarification concerning my question: After the help of one of the commenters he suggested to blur and decimate my image, does anyone has a way to do that? I guess it is something related to down-sampling! Not sure thou!
Update 2 !! Question answered with 2 approaches, big thanks!