This is how the structure of my firebase db looks like it has two main nodes results and surveys as shown"
These are my current rules:
"rules": {
"surveys": {
".read": true,
".write": "auth.uid != null"
"results": {
".read": "auth.uid != null",
"$resultid": {
".write": true
Basically when a user makes a new survey it gets stored it saves the template in surveys, right now only authenticated users are able to write to it so its perfectly fine, now comes the reading part, right now anyone is able to read the entire surveys node, I cannot add auth != null to it as when Someone shares their survey even unauthenticated users should be able to read that particular survey and do it, so what should I do so as to not allow everyone to read the entire surveys node but only the one they should be reading, orelse anyone would be able to perform anyone's survey by pulling up all the ids. By the way the $resultid rule doesnt work and still allows write access right now :(